Christmas by Bike

It’s Christmas time which means everyone is dashing about the city with a long list of errands and shopping to do. It also means hauling stuff. It’s easy to think you need a car for the job.

Sure, cars can carry a lot of stuff. When I was a kid I would watch in awe as my dad would artfully fit an impossible amount of stuff into our tiny car.

Christmas by Bike

But bikes can carry a surprising amount of stuff too. It’s just a different sort of space to pack.

After Christmas shopping it might be challenge figure out how to transport everything home. No matter the vehicle, it’s natural to push it’s cargo limits. I turn it into a game to see if I can find a good spot for everything.

Christmas by Bike

Of course to transport all these Christmas gifts home I would have had to buy them first. But I didn’t actually get around to doing my Christmas shopping yet.  I got overwhelmed by the crowded stores and left with only a gift for myself.

Christmas by Bike

But still, when I eventually get around to doing my shopping, I am not afraid of the challenge of getting things home by bike. Someday I hope to even take on a Christmas tree.

Christmas by Bike

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  • femi December 14, 2011  

    the word “bitch” is degrading to women; consider using a different word in the future. really like your work though!

    • Better_By_Bike December 14, 2011  

      Oh calm down femi, this comic is authored/drawn by a woman!

      • Bikeyface December 14, 2011  

        I am open to constructive criticism and differing opinions and welcome it in the comments section. I prefer to keep comments unmoderated for this reason but encourage everyone to be sensitive to each others points of view. Thanks 🙂

        • JP Gal December 14, 2011  

          Thanks for this note, Biketface. I was just returning here to offer my support for femi. I’d love to see this comic strip without the word “bitch,” which even after my half-century on this planet, still socks me in the stomach when I hear it, especially when I’m not expecting it. This is still one of the worst things you can call a woman, especially a strong and indeopendent woman, today. I understand how you’re using it here (“My bike and I OWN Christmas!”) but the thing is, you’re getting to that triumphant statment, which should be joyful and fun in this comic strip, by way of a shorthand for threatened violence (“I own you and can do anything I want to you”) that is still in active use against women in this country, and that, sadly, is a fact of life for millions of women around the world.
          I love biking, I love humor, I love the woman and men in my life, and I hate to see an otherwise delightful comic strip marred by the use of a word that is neither benign nor “reclaimed” so that it no longer has the power to hurt.

        • JP Gal December 14, 2011  

          OMG, sorry for the typo, Bikeyface!

        • Sharon December 22, 2011  

          Bikeyface, don’t stop using the word “bitch”, it’s your freedom of expression and sense of humour I love, and I did think it was particularly funny. I do understand the points made by the previous 2 posters, however it’s a case of, “if you don’t like it, switch off”. I’m pretty sure they won’t.

    • Dave December 15, 2011  

      This is one of those cases where I understand that the word ‘bitch’ can have very negative connotations towards women, but I feel like in this specific case the original meaning (which is not related to women) and the intention of the author (which is clearly not to degrade women) trumps the sometimes connotation of the word. You have to read language in context and with actual meaning in mind, as well as the cultural connotations we give words, and take it all into account when determining whether a word is degrading or not, I think. The word ‘bitch’ in and of itself is not necessarily degrading to women, only if it’s used as a derogatory.

      Anyway, just my personal opinion 🙂

  • GRJim December 14, 2011  

    Your story telling is at least as good as your drawings:


  • You can do it!

    I just drag the tree down the road with my bike –>

  • anniebikes December 15, 2011  

    Such a good post. And tooooo funnnnny about the rear rack made for shoe shopping…how true!

  • John Romeo Alpha December 15, 2011  

    I was told my rear rack was made for book shopping. However, it appears to be more like the shoe box compatible model you draw. I am going to start putting my purchased books into shoe boxes, therefore. Merry Xmas!

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