Unexpected Types
We all know that there are only two types of cyclists, right?
Well, I happened to see this cyclist the other day at the grocery store:
Now I’m confused. Which of the two cyclist types is he?
Yeah, the stereotypes don’t make much sense.
It would kind of be like classifying all drivers like this:
I’m pretty sure the oxygen guy is the first (Lance Armstrong wannabee) type — the beard is a dead giveaway, so to speak. This is the randonneur subtype. Those guys always have beards.
I have to admit…that I’m neither…I prefer wearing knickers and a button down shirt(is it bad that I’m now up to three pairs of knickers?) and a twill cap.
I think it would be so cool to see someone with oxygen riding a bike. You shouldn’t let anything get you down. Even if you need it to be able to ride, then more power to you.
Otherwise, I continue to be a strange hybrid type biker. I ride a steel cross frame (Bianchi Volpe) but I use it for commuting (when I wear normal clothes) and for monthly century rides, when I wear the spandex and all that. I guess I am never an Armstrong wannabe since I still care more about comfort over the 100 miles than speed.
I distinctly remember a young mommy in a Republican zip code staring with bulging eyes at my package. Completely stopped chewing. So I stared at her breasts as retribution.
Neither of us had any “defining qualities” but she did shield her childrens’ eyes with her pastrami on rye.
GRJim: love it, you have a way with words!