Summer Dress Days
Even though it’s been a mild winter I’m excited that spring is here. However it seems that winter decided to skip straight to summer with temperatures in the 80’s last week. Everyone was outside welcoming the good weather. I was no different. And I knew exactly how to celebrate the change of season, A polka dot summer dress! Which made me feel like this:
But going from being all bundled up to a summer dresses I noticed a big contrast. And everyone else on the road did too. As I biked around suddenly everybody was… polite.
While it’s nice to feel that everyone is looking out for me for a change, it makes me realize how little people pay attention the rest of the time. Nobody can wear summer dresses every day.
I wonder what my wife would think if I asked her if I could borrow a skirt to ride my bike? She doesn’t wear any of them these days!
Yea, I’ve heard of this. The closest I ever wear to a dress while cycling, are my black lycra skorts.
My cotton sundresses are somewhere buried in another city closet somewhere. Wonder if I can fit them still…after 30 yrs.later? 😀
Nah, I just can’t be bothered to get nice dress clothing dirtied up/stained ..again.
(Though I have to say there is no such thing a jay-walking in my county and nor should there be)
How you women get away with the dresses without them getting caught in the brakes or other moving parts I’ll never know. Every time I see one it’s a mix of disbelief and appreciation.