Keep Smiling
I admit that sometimes I get frustrated with biking in the city. There are days that bring out my inner curmudgeon and I feel like this guy:
But try not to put negativity out there. I don’t want a fight. So I try to stay positive. Sometimes I’m so positive it freaks the shit out of drivers. Like when a driver doesn’t see me and is about to left hook me…
When I wave to them all smiley they really don’t know what to make of it. They just look surprised and let me pass safely.
Try it sometime. Or feel free to experiment with your own positive reinforcement approach.
Well, maybe not this approach.
But you know what I mean. You’ll not only make others smile, you’ll cheer yourself up too.
Thanks for countering the retrogrouch with a bikey face! We need your new paradigm.
This is what I do too, and it works! Haven’t tried the flashing though. Don’t need to be responsible for heart attacks and accidents. 😉 I have to be friendly here. Everyone knows everyone in this town and as soon as I let loose the curmudgeon sure enough I’ll be face to face with them at the shop or in line with them at the store. I’ve got most folks on my route trained and many wave at me now. 🙂
Funny stuff (and relatable). Love your drawings.
I continually greet and wave to passing cyclists, especially when their minds are in never, never land. Wake up cyclists! Say hi to your fellow pedalers. As a cyclist I aim to set the bar higher in the friendly department.
hahaha! i totally do the smile and wave thing! my dad used to do that to people who would honk at him for no/a stupid reason while driving and i guess he passed along his aggressive kindness.