Sweet Bikes
I’ve always been different from other girls…
So perhaps I have a different perspective. I’m planning to replace my everyday commuter bike this year and I’ve been test riding several bikes to feel out my options. However some of them seem to be marketed to some other audience…
Yet sales people seem eager to push me in this direction as if there’s no doubt this is what I’m looking for. After all, I’m a girl, right?
I like cupcakes, but I don’t intend to ride one around the city. However, if I could somehow get a bike with this personality:
Now that would be a sweet bike.
I am so with you on this! When I went to look at bikes last year, they tried to sell me a “girl bike”, but once I spoke to the Sales Manager, he immediately “got it” and showed me something more my speed (21 speeds, to be exact!). Which is why he got the sale there on South St.
That being said, in the hot, humid weather coming, I will, on occasion, be wearing a dress…over my new gel bike shorts!
I’m glad you tagged the pannier as “able to handle weight in the rear” and not “able to handle junk in the trunk”. 😉
YES ! A VERY sweet bike ! ‘WAY sweeter than cupcakes !
I’m going to be the radical dissenter here and cast a vote in favor of “Sex Kitten Posture”.
Why are sales people in bike shops so unwilling to listen to what the customer says they want?
Have you checked out Linus Mixte’s? Very fun bikes to ride with lots of personality!
Love your site!
Note to bicycle manufacturers: begin styling and naming your bikes based on spirit animals.