I was heading home from work for the day when a co-worker saw what I was wearing and remarked on it. I guess it seemed like a silly outfit to bike in.
Yes, it was not a practical outfit for “exercise.” But it was practical for “commuting” which is about efficiency, not sweat. People get too hung up on clothes. From sporty to dressy, it’s okay to wear whatever works for your lifestyle. You can bike in anything. Well, almost…
Sorry. I really don’t understand the need for profanity. Other than that, good cartoon as usual.
Thank you for all the smiles, and laughter (and giggles … you know the “heeeeheeeeHEEE..HEEE!) you’ve elicited from me and around me all this while.
Best regards always.
ohmygosh. So true. I get this probably on a weekly basis.
“Fuck” is really the perfect word here. 🙂
What a strange thing for someone to say, hard to take you seriously. People are odd.
Yes Dottie we are “odd”.