Boston Beware!
It’s been pretty hot this summer but it’s finally starting to cool off and my energy is starting to return. However, while it is “technically” better biking weather, for me biking is going to get worse before it gets any better. That’s because I live in a city where I pass no less than 5 colleges on my way to work (more depending on my route) and 80% of apartment leases have a start date of September 1st. Yep, that’s right, it’s…
In all this mess, just try to remember that at least you’re not as stuck in the traffic jam. And be afraid of U-Hauls. Very afraid.
To me, the school year doesn’t start until a Uhaul looks like an open can of sardines on Storrow Drive.
This is why I’m going out of town today. Too bad I’m coming back on Sunday; it will still be crazy.
Had a fun experience last night. There was a mile-long line of BC students crossing Beacon St to some party, and a mile long line of stopped cars waiting for the crossing guard to interrupt the flow of students. I coasted down the hill past all the stopped cars to the front of the line and stopped and looked for a bit. Then I got a huge grin, dismounted, and carefully walked through the line of students, and then went on my merry way. The lady in the minivan stopped on the other side laughed when she saw me do it.
I love biking, even in Boston.
This was me driving through Allston today… while moving to Davis…
From a UK perspective, this is a kind of odd post. We don’t seem to have quite the same degree of physical localisation of students at university that you do in the USA. Similarly, we don’t seem to have the start dates all synchronised to the same degree. I work at a London University, and worrying about students moving in accommodation has never occurred to me, even though there are over 400000 university students scattered around twenty two major universities and over sixty smaller universities, and colleges. We do seem to rely a lot more on private landlords and university accommodation which is spread much further from campuses than seems common in the USA.
Of course, once the new term starts, there will still be plenty of gormless students around the periphery of the campus when I cycle into work, so I’ll have to be on the lookout for them.
Pretty much this^^^