Serious about Safety
Every bike commuter knows is that safety is a complicated issue. They face it every day. However, some safety campaigns focus entirely on helmets. But that means there’s been a crash. What if it could have been prevented? Wouldn’t that be safer?
There’s many points along the way where an individual, a community, and a city, can prevent more tragedies from happening. Helmet or not, when you put a car against a vulnerable road user, you know who the victim will be. Cities need to get real about safety. No excuses.
here’s a recent study that matches infrastructure user preference with actual safety:
Prevention is not the only thing that is key. Education is key. We need to educate the drivers about the laws of bikes, cars, and etc on the road.
Nicely done.
You’re allowed to ride at night without lights over there? It’s mandatory here, and you’re subject to a fine if you don’t!