Snow City
This past week the city got a lot of snow all at once. Over night the city transformed to something surreal and monstrous. It was hard to get around since nothing was plowed for bikes or shoveled well for pedestrians. But I think I figured it out- magic!
I wonder why I’ve never tried this before? Oh, right, magic isn’t real. But gravity is.
Now can we clear out the bike traffic lanes?
Here is a video of cyclists after a snowfall in Utrecht. The City is very quick to clear the cycle paths, otherwise people could not get to work or wherever else they are going.
Still, it is not possible to clear every snowflake the second after it falls, so the people have to cope with some snow.
They just finally cleared Western Ave today by the Harvard Business School, two short weeks after they cleared the car lanes. I was stunned – I was positive they were just going to leave it til the Spring.
I like the not-so-subtle addition of the all-too-prevalent “get a car” mantra of so many ignorant, backward-thinking motorists. If only they knew how much fun they were missing out on…