Heat Wave
It’s the 4th day straight with temperatures in the 90’s here, and humid. So it’s really tempting to just lay around and soak up whatever air conditioning I can find.
But of course there are things to do. Some think it’s crazy to bike in this weather. Maybe it is, but at least you get a bit of a breeze. Still, it’s tempting to get creative to try and get more of a reprieve.
But no matter what, biking is still cooler than other modes of transportation.
I have a shirt and bra for biking, and then the ones I change into for work. It doesn’t cut down on laundry, but it improves my daytime smell.
Also, I’m the girl who said hi to you yesterday. 🙂 I’m still so excited to have met you!
I’ve been sitting through quite a few excreble movies just to take advantage of the theaters’ a/c.
I have no problem when I ride, but oh boy, when I STOP.
Still, some people act like we lived in climate controlled buildings for millions of years and will bur to a crisp, if we go outside in below 80 degree weather.
Downside is, once you are used to 90 degrees, it suddenly drops to 70 and you freeze your butt off. But until then I wear flouncy skirts and enjoy the breeze.