Romancing the Bike
It seems some people can’t see anything romantic about biking in the city. To me, that seems ridiculous.
Bicycling is full of meet-cute situations, laughter, and the chance of romance all with a beautiful city backdrop- just like in a movie. Except it’s better than a movie because you can live it.
In this world, the bicycles play a role too.
They easily bring characters together on wheels.
And once together, they get to go beautiful places. Even if it’s just to work.
Bikes might be the most romantic machine ever.
Hi! Great comic and nice thoughts on bike and love!
It’s just so true, I didn’t met my wife in a bike, but the bike make us share some rides in which we can feel the love between us.
That’s why we did this short films with some friends: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9V1iVCrwOKc
hope you like it!
Greetings from Mexico
Very fine edition of Bikeyface!
In the spring of 1974, I spotted a lovely white Mercier being ridden by an even lovelier woman. We were married by the end of the year, and have been riding together ever since. For us, my favorite version of the final panel includes a tent, with the honking too far away to be audible, and a pot of rice and lentils instead of the cupcakes.
(Ken: the dating site for bicyclists that worked for me is the real world.)
Don’t demonize all cars as ugly. Many are beautiful machines, too. It’s just that certain personalities –when they get behind the wheel– are often ugly. I’m an avid cyclist, an avid motorist, and my day-job is truck-driving. I live to be mobile.
I’ve seen all kinds of driving on the road. Some of it is born stupidity and boneheadedness — much of it forgivable. Some of the other driving though is born of malice, and I’ve been on the receiving end of these maneuvers both as a motorist and a cyclist. These people should face big fines at the least. Then there are my fellow truck-drivers who should know better –they really hack me off! For the malicious & reckless maneuvers they do, many should have their CDL’s pulled.
Love this! So many of our first dates were on our bikes and then double dates too! 3 years in to being married and we still try to bike together for part of our commute at least once a week. You know what they say….the couple that bikes together stays together!
One possible wedding invitation design is my bike and his bike locked up with the same lock and cable. 😉