See the Lights
The other day I was biking home after work when out of nowhere…
It gets dark early these days. That means lights are something to plan on having. But even some folks that technically have lights don’t make it easy to see them.
So make sure to remember your lights, but also make sure they are visible.
I like the noselight idea! I’ll try that!
I have a head lamp for camping that I place on my helmet. I think that’s more comfortable than the nose light…
Here in Minnesota cyclists often wear earphones (to cover ambient sound with music), disregard red lights stop signs (hey, I’m on a bike), dress in black, and totally ignore other beings on wheels. And our area has long winter nights, and miles of roads and bike trails without ambient lighting. It’s a miracle more of us aren’t killed. Then there are some cyclists who have lots of halogen headlights like those on a BMW. When one is approaching me in the dark, it’s blinding, but at least I know he/she is there. Of course can’t see the unlighted fool in black who is riding alongside…
About 7 weeks ago, a driver shouted at me to tell me that my lights are too bright. 20 minutes later, another driver ran into the back of my bike.
Thanks – I had the same experience just yesterday with the invisible cyclist.
Then, though, there are the people who have lights, properly placed of course, that are so bright they blind you to everything else as they are approaching, ruin your night vision for a couple of minutes after you pass them, and leave you with after images whenever you blink.
I absolutely agree about the overly bright headlights. They are unnecessary in town and are equivalent to cars with their bright beams on which are not dipped when another vehicle approaches them.
I call it overkill and inconsiderate when used on a bike.
Coming from England, I realize that commuter cycling is not part of the DNA of people in this country so there is at least a generation or so of learning. One of the things that irks me is that cyclists do not use bells as a warning system when ever they pass another cyclist or pedestrian. A warning bell can be heard whereas a muttered “On your left” as they pass is inadequate.. And for goodness sake DO NOT pass on the right. Beware of people with no lights and not wearing a helmet.
Permanently fitted lights, either battery-powered or preferably dynamo-powered are a big part of the solution here. With impermanent lights its really easy to get caught without lights by being somewhere longer than anticipated, forgetting to take them off charge or losing them.
Dr C. is right here. Bike shops need to play their part too. Go to any bike shop in the Netherlands and all the bikes will come with permanent lights attached, usually with dynamo power so there are no batteries to change. Unfortunately in the UK (and I suspect the US too) nearly all bikes are sold as sporting equipment, with none of the practical parts that make utility cycling easy. Surely bikes that are going to be used around town should be sold with mudguards, lights, etc.?