See the Lights
The other day I was biking home after work when out of nowhere…
It gets dark early these days. That means lights are something to plan on having. But even some folks that technically have lights don’t make it easy to see them.
So make sure to remember your lights, but also make sure they are visible.
My thoughts exactly, Dr. C.
Bikey Face, knowing your intended audience, illustrations reminding people about battery powered lights, batteries and charging will always be good; But I think it’s high time for you to step up, put in the admittedly complicated installation time, and get a dynamo front hub and wired front and rear lights (and who knows, maybe battery bar-end lights that can be set to blink to indicate turns).
And then you can do a new set of illustrations on the high costs of quality bicycle parts!
Lights are made to be seen at a distance so approaching traffic can expect you. It’s a ‘heads up – something is up ahead’ warning. They can see you (even in the dark) when they get close to you. But without the warning, they could be going too fast, or aimed at you, with no time to avoid a crash.
Anyone who says they ‘didn’t see you’ wasn’t paying attention. And if they’re not paying attention (on the phone, eating, grooming (!)), all the lights in the world ain’t gonna help.