This week we got a bit of snow. People are surprised I’m still biking. But really, in this whole transportation mess, I got it easier than most.
I just have to take the nicely cleared lane.
But there’s nothing like a little snow to show a city’s real priorities.
Ride all year – only ice stops me, and that not for long. Rode down to (and up) Blue Hill this morning – perfect weather, the roads are all nicely cleared. Bikeyface – you are the Best! Keep the counter-propaganda going.
No need to be stopped by ice. Studs!
Cars have to pay road tax, bikes don’t. Drivers are paying for the roads to be cleared.
First off, there is no such thing as a “road tax.” There is a gas tax, but that generally only covers state and federal roads, and even then it only covers a fraction. Most roads (and certainly snow plowing) are paid for out of the general fund, which bicyclists most certainly do pay into, and at a rate that greatly exceeds what we actually use. So in effect, it is the bicyclists that are mostly subsidizing the drivers, not the other way around.
For a more thorough debunking of that myth, see this article and the associated study: http://www.teamestrogen.com/content/cycling_myth2
I get a kick riding those snow packed sidewalks on my bike. I know I’m taking a chance on them, but Its only going to be there only for a short time. So why not enjoy it while its there.
I’ve had more cars in my way riding this week than cars thinking I was in the way. Sorry FlatDog, but your taxes only go to the highways. Stay on those and share the roads with everyone please.
Road taxes pay less than 20% of the costs. General fund pays the rest. We all pay the same amount. Most bikers also drive. Except me. We need to clear the sidewalks especially for disabled folk and wheelchairs. Think harder please.