Sign of the Season
Something is a little different this winter in Boston. If you pay attention to the roads you will notice something: there’s more than one bike. Actually, there’s lots of them.
Apparently even people who ride bikes are surprised by this.
I love bike traffic, makes me smile all the time. That, and studded tires.
Studded tires are awesome… until you forget that the ground is slippery and your shoes aren’t studded and you put a foot down at the red stop light and make a split right in front of a bunch of cars, hahahahaha.
yeah – this winter I’ve definitely seen more people out – this morning comm ave looked like it does on a nice spring day even though it was freezing. Even on that morning when it was 4 degrees there were still plenty of people out (I wimped out and took the T, though).
If it’s like this now – I really wonder what it’s going to be like when the weather gets nice.
Living in Denver, the winter weather is ideal. We have a huge year round commuting population and a very good bike route system.
I used to commute by bike all year round, except when it snowed (did not have right tires for snow), in New York City. Now, it is easy to commute all year, because I live in San Diego. It is 71 F today.
I commuted all year in Moscow, ID! Granted, Moscow is tiny so the commute was very short. But as long as you have the right tires, there’s only a couple types of snow I found I couldn’t bike in. I love snowbiking. It made travelling anywhere in the snow less of a chore (with my car) and more of an adventure.