Not Asking for It
The other day I was biking to work when this happened:
I wouldn’t think anything of it if it happened once. But I’ve noticed my attire seems to prompt certain responses in other road users.
How do I know it’s not just an off day? Because I have the ability to change clothes.
Some days I’m this cyclist:
And later that same evening I might be this cyclist:
I’m called out on my appearance daily as I go about my business on public streets without the cover of a car.
Even “ordinary” attire has drawbacks.
It’s no surprise that most days I find myself dressing to get the reaction I want when I bike. Or at least the most benign reaction.
But no matter what I’m wearing it’s still just me: complex, multi-dimensional, and in awesome shape.
Do you ever get: “I dig your Grand Cru Plume Alare Chainguard”? It’s quite spiffy.
I live in a college town, so my main issue is pedestrians meandering and texting in campus bike lanes. So I attach a portable iPod speaker to my bike and blast music. With the speaker pointing forward and no headphones blocking my ears, I can hear traffic and everyone can hear me. The songs that have worked best to part crowds thus far are from Pirates of the Caribbean, Doctor Who, and Rachel Bloom.
I also have a portable speaker! I blast rap music. That bass really parts crowds. Nirvana which I think is equally loud and great percussion doesn’t work for whatever reason. Nor does pop girly music. I feel a twinge of guilt when expletives are heard around kids.
I’d say there is some truth here but it may be different for me and women, or not. I definitely get more respect while commuting when I am not wearing lycra than when I road riding and lycra is the far preferable attire.
Flaunt or flout? I suppose it could be both. Somebody who ignores the laws is both defying them AND showing off.
I frequently get passed by all manner of other cyclists, wearing all kinds of getups. Here in North Texas I usually won’t see them again until the next day. But places like Iowa, where there are rolling hills, I will routinely coast past that sub 150 pound person who is pedaling down hill only to have them fly by me on the next up. And yes, I do frequently find myself looking at their derrieres, I bought a ‘bent at least in part to get a better view.