Bike Creep
The other day I was enjoying the wonderful cool autumn weather on my ride home.
When all of the sudden I was interrupted.
And I realized there was something lurking over my shoulder.
I thought he was trying to pass me… but he didn’t.
I know drivers complain about tailgators. But they should consider themselves lucky that they can’t feel that stranger’s breath on their cheek.
Perfect as this happened to me yesterday… during a particularly difficult head-wind, right there behind me, the dreaded wheel-sucker.
People who are riding up on you, huffing and puffing, are trying to pass, but can’t for whatever reason. relax.
I’m with Kris and coincidentally I know Kris: small Internet world. I try not to be a “bike creep” but this sort of creeping is sometimes unavoidable. I usually try to stay back if it is not a good place to pass but then sometimes the “creepee” slows down. Or they subtly speed up and I don’t feel like racing. The worst is when I get passed and then the passer immediately slows (happens a lot more often than you would think.) Now I am forced to be a bike creep or engage in an unwanted race.
When this happen i hit my brake and let him pass with a smile 😀 niark niark niark
I must say I’m with Kris and Jeff on this one. I’m a large man on a large bike. When I’m trying to pass and avoid ladies on the path or street, they either make it a race, or look at me disgustedly as if I’m a thug. No Ma’am, I’m just a rider like you, trying to ride. I know I’m big and you don’t want me around, but that’s something that both of us are just going to have to deal with for the next few moments. Let’s just keep riding, and when I say “good morning,” I’m not trying to do anything at all except to admit that we’re both human beings and say “good morning.”
For what it’s worth, neither Jeff nor I are skinny weight weenies… Sorry Jeff :P.