Sometimes when I see “Share the Road” on signs I think there needs to be a silly cartoon character to go with the message:
Don’t get me wrong, in a world without cycle tracks sharing the road is obviously a necessary thing. But on a sign it’s a little simplistic. It isn’t actually clear what type of sharing is supposed to happen- that’s left open to interpretation.
Perhaps there could be more “Bicyclists May Use Full Lane” signs. We can leave messages about sharing (and squeaky cartoon characters) to the kids.
Have you seen this? She was arrested for using a full lane: Woman charged again after she rides her bicycle on busy U.S. 27 http://www.kentucky.com/2014/09/17/3433672/woman-charged-again-after-she.html
I so love this one!
Bikeyface nails the “share the road” problem with these two cartoon frames. It very strongly resonated after my commute this morning, where on a moderate usage road three drivers in a row refused to grant me the lane so that I could make a left turn, despite a very vivid hand signal indicating my intent. Drivers: What part of “Bikes May Use Full Lane” do you have trouble comprehending?
Heading to CX practice the other morning on 4 lane street in Brookline that has no shoulder, trucking along owning the right lane, watching cars behind in my mirror, suddenly a Mercedes dives to my left and squeaks between me and the car on left, near sideswipe, then p/u gets on my tail and lays on the horn, guy yells out window “get off the road”, then swerves to my right and swings around. Seething, pulling my middle finger back out of the air I ride on and dream of a special place in hell for stupid drivers…