The other day I was riding to work when I happened to notice the other people riding bicycles around me.
This was more of a coincidence than typical of what I see everyday. But I wondered- does not wearing a fluorescent uniform make a person stand out more?
I agree with Tom Whatever YOU want; wear it. I am around all sorts of groups. Some fluorescent polyester, some dark wool. Can I let you be you? Yes! Can you let me be me? I hope so. Depending on what you intend to do that day, you might need a bright shirt with back pockets for the banana and bars. I might need a skirt and tights. The only issues I see with dress is that we will both be seen (safety) and non-bikers will not think they have to purchase something special to start biking (advocacy). I think most people start with what they have and change as needed.
I really like your art and thoughts, but “fluroescent uniform” has a bit of snark to my ear. Let folks wear what they want!
I’m getting some Hot Pink visibility gear because the ANSI Safety Lime tends to get lost against fresh spring leaves, and nobody pays attention to the ANSI Safety Orange any more, that I used to use in Spring.
Friend of mine tells a sad story of marking the route for a new hiking trail in NY just before the mountain laurels opened. Came back to do the trail work next weekend…. ( https://www.google.com/search?q=pictures+pink+mountain+laurel&source=lnms&tbm=isch )
If there’s enough light and people are using their eyes, they’ll see you.
These ‘dress coders’ have obviously drunk the Kool-Aid.
In Minneapolis many still wear black and ride without lights after dark. The fluorescent lemon-lime utility worker look is beginning to catch on, though.
As a person who enjoys wearing fluorescent colors. ..i think playing”dress up” is simply a goofy idea. Look…i don’t put on special clothes to drive my car, walk or anything else. I sometimes bend to wearing a helmet (aka magic hat) when i ride my motor scooter, But almost never on a Bicycle. But then i don’t like spandex man tights or poseur TdF jerseys either. Nothing like seeing a300 lb guy riding a bicycle with the tiniest tires possible, his belly rubbing the top tube, in skin tight spandex tights and a postal jersey. Im not that heavy. I won’t wear that crap, and my bicycle is NOT a toy and i don’t pay dress up to ride to the store or to get my grandchild from school. Might as wear a purple tutu and ballet slippers. But that’s just me. Do your thing. Hey get on you bike and ride. I’m on a $200 Mongolia single speed fat bike called a beast. It works for me
What about a 150 lb man with super fat tires?
Wow, chill! Nothing like fellow cyclists mocking fat people for riding AND wearing what they want while they do it. Sorry it’s so disgusting for you!