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I am tired of the ever increasing number of so-called “bike safety” products. Especially when everyday I share the road with drivers like this. There needs to be a spray for them.
A product that would give drivers some perspective.
I can follow all the road rules, pay attention, wear bright colors, lights and shiny things while riding my bike. But I’m not the one operating heavy machinery on a public way. Let’s recognize the real problem.
Maybe we can get thinkgeek.com to make it / find it
A thrown tennis ball does a pretty job of getting a drivers attention. Just gotta do in such away they don’t know where it came from -shouldn’t be hard with their nose against a cell phone.
Doesn’t leave a dent, and makes a pretty good bang sound. Definitely an attention getter. Only real problem is that you’d likely only travel a couple blocks until you’re out of tennis balls.
The supply of rocks is infinite.
Ok! We are on it! Should it have an awakening lavender scent, or a calming camomile?
Brilliant as always! Thanks for turning the table on those who think people should spray weird chemicals all over themselves in the hope of not being hit by a car. The real problem is dangerous driving of motor vehicles and the physical and social environments that do too little to make people safer.