So you’re biking along in a city of hundreds of thousands of other people all trying to get places simultaneously. And suddenly you run into an obstacle.
Yes, you run into a big giant Whatever.
A “Whatever” is a person who indifferently dismisses everything you see as supremely important (your life, health, along with necessary societal rules) with a word most commonly used by teenage girls in the mid-nineties. They do it in such a chronically disaffected way they cannot be argued with, not even engaging a discussion that checks off all the anti-cylist clichés. Any expression of passion or appeals to their empathy as a human being simply falls on deaf ears as they simply go about their life as if they are the only person on the planet.
This is a disease and the symptoms are clear.
However, a cure is not so clear. Especially because there seems to be many other Whatever’s out there to help perpetuate this.
Hi Bikeyface.
I notice your whatever characters are both on the phone, which is symptomatic of a whole mind set we must now deal with. And I really hate it when the bike lane is used as a temporary parking spot.
Dan de Angeli
Especially by contractors
Wet his seat through his open window.
It happened to me in at Leachmare train station. I was riding my bike & women was parked on the bike lane.i stated you can not park on the bike lane. She didn’t care.
Though I vehemently dislike violence against others, I have a hard time not advocating slapping these types of people… hard.
Sounds just like drivers in Las Vegas………where I live and have been hit 3 times by hit and run drivers