There comes a time (apparently) when a cyclist gets so obsessed with bicycles that friends and family decide they have to intervene. I assumed I had a ways to go before I hit the obsession point as I have not: built my own bike figured out what gearing ratios are or learned how to adjust a […]
It was a very wet commute home today. So I stole borrowed a poncho and headed out. I saw many amazing sights including a wreck of a pirate ship on Mass Ave (double parked) and hit some crazy traffic caused by a passing school of fish.
The other day I came across a picture of my brother at about three years old or so- from about 1988 or 1989. Clearly it is foreshadowing something to come: And 22 years later, not much has changed except the number of wheels:
When I was a child I lived abroad in a country where there very different cultural attitude- particularly towards children. When I would need to cross the street to get to a park near my apartment, adult pedestrians and complete strangers would signal to cars who would come to dead stop. I would be escorted across […]
This is Emily. She cuts my hair in the classic Lulu haircut. She also plays some music: Note: Artistic liberties were taken in this rendering. I have not seen her play in person. For all I know, she could play music like this: But she probably doesn’t. Emily rides a bicycle too. When she heard I […]
…or “How I met Michael Dukakis” Do you ever get jealous of car horns? Do you ever just want to make some loud noise that says “Watch out!” or “Get out of my way” or “You fucker, stop texting and look before you cross the street!” I do. But I try to make do with a […]
Okay, so I went on this date. Not a first date, but close to it and we were getting along… so far. After dinner we realized that we were going the same direction and decided to bike part of the way together. I’m a pretty rule oriented cyclist. I signal, stop for red lights and […]
I’ve sold my car. Signed. Paid for. Notarized. Done. Car freeeeeee! If you see a girl on a bike with a bigger than usual smile carrying a heavy check in the general direction of a bike shop, that’s me. I will be getting some sort of fast bike with the intent to conquer some rather […]
Sometimes I love riding in the rain and sometimes it sucks. Today it sucked. Mainly because despite checking the weather I opted to leave the house without rain gear in hopes it wouldn’t actually rain. This little game I play with the weather has worked several times before. Today it didn’t. I pretty much swam home […]
Hello there, there’s another bike on the road. It seems I have been thinking about biking so much it has overflowed from my head to the interwebs. After little thought and no planning I’m starting a blog. Mostly because my friends are tired of hearing about biking (they are mostly your non-cyclist, non-fun types you […]