Unexpected Types
We all know that there are only two types of cyclists, right?
Well, I happened to see this cyclist the other day at the grocery store:
Now I’m confused. Which of the two cyclist types is he?
Yeah, the stereotypes don’t make much sense.
It would kind of be like classifying all drivers like this:
It’s obvious right? The third type is actually just when the “two types” get old and require oxygen assistance, and can’t be bothered to shave.
LOL. I might have a new stereotype for you. I haven’t shaved in decades and considering that I am enclosed within my Velomobile, a human powered vehicle, I could be buck necked for all you know.
As for the Lance Armstrong Wannabes, I’ve been accused of “tormenting the roadies”.
Those shorts on the Lance Armstrong type are definitely eye candy. I think the manufacturers planned it that way…
nicely said
I need to see if the oxygen tank dude has a tribal tat or not before I can tell you which type he is.