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I am tired of the ever increasing number of so-called “bike safety” products. Especially when everyday I share the road with drivers like this. There needs to be a spray for them.



A product that would give drivers some perspective.



I can follow all the road rules, pay attention, wear bright colors, lights and shiny things while riding my bike. But I’m not the one operating heavy machinery on a public way. Let’s recognize the real problem.

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  • EJ April 22, 2015  

    Maybe we can get thinkgeek.com to make it / find it

  • gutterbunnybikes April 22, 2015  

    A thrown tennis ball does a pretty job of getting a drivers attention. Just gotta do in such away they don’t know where it came from -shouldn’t be hard with their nose against a cell phone.

    Doesn’t leave a dent, and makes a pretty good bang sound. Definitely an attention getter. Only real problem is that you’d likely only travel a couple blocks until you’re out of tennis balls.

    • Kevin Love April 22, 2015  

      The supply of rocks is infinite.

  • Tivan Amour April 22, 2015  

    Ok! We are on it! Should it have an awakening lavender scent, or a calming camomile?

  • Jonathan Krall April 23, 2015  

    Brilliant as always! Thanks for turning the table on those who think people should spray weird chemicals all over themselves in the hope of not being hit by a car. The real problem is dangerous driving of motor vehicles and the physical and social environments that do too little to make people safer.

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