Bicycle Face
In case you’re unaware back in the 19th century Bicycle Face was diagnosed as a dangerous health condition by doctors. Of course we now know that’s bogus.
However what doctors back then totally missed was the face that came before Bicycle Face:
If you ask me Ennui Face was the real health scare for women. No wonder what came next was a real shock.
I love this one! it’s amazing!
Do you sell prints?
From skirts to pants, all because of bicycles. We are women. We are strong. We have bicycle face. We rock!
Thanks for putting smile on my face. Perfect drawings.
Someone here on the bikepgh.com message board dug up this quote from Cosmopolitan (!) magazine, circa 1895:
The woman who dons her knickerbockers and her gaiters and spins out into the open country, will find her mind opening to the wonders of sky and air, the beauties of the fields and streams; she will learn to take comfort in the world about her, will find her mind soothed and her spirits uplifted; she will forget troubles and anxieties, real or imaginary; she will become mistress of herself, as of her wheel, no longer a victim to hysterics, no longer seeking for unhealthy excitement, a rational, useful being restored to health and sanity.
Mouth partly open and breathing heavily with a smile. No, I’m not having an orgasm but close. I’m on my bike. But I do wore big sunglasses to hide my bulging eyes and the beginnings of dark shadows under them.