Bicycle Face
In case you’re unaware back in the 19th century Bicycle Face was diagnosed as a dangerous health condition by doctors. Of course we now know that’s bogus.
However what doctors back then totally missed was the face that came before Bicycle Face:
If you ask me Ennui Face was the real health scare for women. No wonder what came next was a real shock.
Wooh Bikeyface taking on history!!
This is such an awesome depiction. I wonder if there was ever such a thing as “car face” when Karl Benz made his first car.
A piece of friendly advice, ladies: Don’t do aerobic exercises while wearing a corset.
I notice “car face” while I ride my bike through busy, auto-centric intersections during commute hours. This is when the driver is clenching the wheel with one hand with gritted teeth and furrowed brow, while furiously looking back and forth alternately at the stop light and their phone, as if preparing to bail out and run from the post apocalyptic zombies or whatever else might be menacing. I’d love to see your visual comic take on something like that.