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I am tired of the ever increasing number of so-called “bike safety” products. Especially when everyday I share the road with drivers like this. There needs to be a spray for them.



A product that would give drivers some perspective.



I can follow all the road rules, pay attention, wear bright colors, lights and shiny things while riding my bike. But I’m not the one operating heavy machinery on a public way. Let’s recognize the real problem.

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  • Stephen April 27, 2015  

    Yes. This. A thousand times this.

  • Jamie April 27, 2015  

    Great invention! Consider a fragrance free version without perfume… The last thing I need is to set off my allergies while I educate people driving cars about paying attention to things like people driving bicycles!

  • cyclingbuddy April 27, 2015  

    With great power comes great responsibility. It shouldn’t be so much about the letter of the law as it is about being safe for yourself and others. Car drivers can be inattentive and not get a scratch, while we cyclists can get killed for our own or someone else’s inattentiveness. Too much power in the hands of too many people who don’t know they have it. Thank you Bikeyface for your humorous and insightful posts.

  • BrianYeah May 15, 2015  

    I drive really defensively on my bike. If that means coming to a complete stop, I will. If there is no eye contact, I’ll assume the driver doesn’t see me…

    • shawn May 16, 2015  

      The ones that amaze me are the turning motorists that look one way while their car goes the other way. That is, they want to pull out into the street, so they’re looking left at oncoming traffic to determine the best time to turn. Meanwhile, their car is NOT stationary. It’s lurching forward into the turn as they prepare to ‘get a jump’ on traffic. Not a mistake. They’re moving their car in the direction they want to go WITHOUT looking where they’re going, a sort of pre-turn movement that they plan to morph into a complete turn. I usually yell at them to get their attention, and then they look at me and stop.

  • Steve Barner May 20, 2015  

    The next time some well-meaning non-cyclist sends me a link to that stupid reflective paint that Volvo is hawking, I’m just going to send them a link to this page, in reply.

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